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  • The Impact of Google Hummingbird

    Google rolled out another update, Hummingbird. It was launched as an answer to long queries posted by people and to aid voice search. It kind of puts an end to keyword based searches. Chaos reigned with even experts speculating on the future of SEO. But the scenario is the same whenever there is any change introduced by Google in its algorithm. Now after the chaos has settled down a bit, it is time to sit back and reflect on what exactly is the impact of Hummingbird. Let us examine it methodically…

    google hummingbird

    Nothing much has changed, contrary to the hue and cry being raised. If your website always had quality content with high quality, relevant websites linking to it, then there is no need to press the panic button. In fact, this update would have a positive impact on the standing of your site.

    Haven’t all of us been bothered by a stream of irrelevant and unwanted sites showing up when we are searching for something. This update is out to streamline that and let the relevant sites show up in the results page. Those competitors of yours who indulged in tricks to get to the top now can pack their bags as their spammy tricks will no longer hold them up. You, who have been sticking to quality, can now breathe a sigh of relief as its time for your efforts to bear fruit.

    More and more people are searching on their mobile phones, while on the go. They have no time to spare even to type in their query; so they resort to voice search. Thus was born the need for answering these question based searches. So short keywords no longer are relevant as people do not speak queries in disjointed words, but they would use proper sentences. This update will put an end to your search within the results as it would bring you more relevant sites as answer to your search.

    Rise above the old tricks that many used to reach the top of the search engines. Often they would resort to spam content by stuffing in keywords. This ruse will no longer work and instead of boosting your site, it may lead to its downfall. Keep adding good readable and engaging content on a regular basis to your site. This will ensure regular visitors and even new ones, increasing the hits on your site. Work on your old content too, keeping it updated and adding new relevant links to it.

    Google always has stressed on the importance of content. This is reinforced through Hummingbird. Having quality content with real matter for people to read is most important. The content needs to focus around answers to queries that can be asked by people. And your content should be unique to your niche; so that when anybody has any query they can find the answer on your site alone. That would ensure people visiting your site and in turn popularity and consequently ranking for your site.

    Know more about Google Hummingbird update – Impact of Google Hummingbird on SEO

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