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  • Organic Traffic vs Paid Traffic

    When you launch a new website for your business you need to take required measures to drive traffic to your website. Without adequate traffic to your website, you cannot expect any business conversions. Higher the traffic rate better will be the conversion rate. However, driving traffic to your website is no easy task. There is a huge industry, a lot of research and huge sums of money are involved in driving traffic to websites.

    You can send traffic to your website in two ways – paid traffic and organic traffic. Both are highly important for your website and you should know how to make use of both to improve your website’s online performance.

    Driving traffic to your website through paid traffic generation procedures like PPC will give you instant results. You will be able to drive traffic to your website within few hours. So this is very useful method to drive traffic for brand new websites that are yet to gain popularity online and that are yet to get good rankings in the search engines.

    However PPC programs can turn out to be highly expensive way of driving traffic to your website on the long run. You will have no real guarantee that the traffic that comes to your website will be highly targeted traffic. You will be paying per visitor irrespective of the fact whether your visitors are targeted or not.

    The next method, which is organic traffic generation through SEO, is one of the most recommended method. This method will take a considerable amount of time to drive traffic to your website. The process is also complicated when compared to PPC. You will need to hire an experienced SEO company to get good results. This is a more cost effective solution for online website promotion. You will be able to get constant flow of targeted visitors with minimum on going expense. Though it is a slow process, it is worth spending time and money on organic traffic generation methods.

    When you want to drive traffic to your website it is best not to take ‘one or the other’ approach. You must make use of all the tools and all the strategies available at your disposal. When you combine both organic traffic generation efforts along with PPC campaigns you will be able to face your online competition effectively.

    Many people think that PPC will drive good quality traffic just by signing up with a PPC service like Adwords. You need to optimize your efforts even with PPC to improve the performance of your campaigns. This again requires a considerable amount of experience to get the best value for your money. Here you will be spending money not only for the traffic you get but also to a PPC management company if you want your campaigns to be effective. With paid traffic generation, your monthly or yearly spending will continue to increase as more websites are launched in your niche.

    Your primary source of traffic should come through organic methods and you should use paid traffic generation strategies to support your organic traffic generation strategies.

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