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  • How To Make The Banner Ad Work For Your Website

    Banner ads are the web equivalent to a print ad, complete with graphics and text, with the added advantage of getting the potential customer directly to the advertisers’ website. But how can you make these banner ads work in your favor? How can you ensure conversions from the clicks on these ads?

    Magnyfying Glass zooming in on a 3d Web Marketing Word Sphere. There are several ways to measure the success of a banner ad-

    * Many business owners prefer the pay-per-click kind of arrangement while displaying their ad. You could count the number of visitors who come in to your site through the banner ad. Or you could check the CTR- click through rate which shows you the page views as against the clicks. This way you can find the percentage of visitors who actually came on to the page through the banner ad.

    Knowing how many people actually viewed the page after clicking on the banner ad, is helpful. It may not help you measure the success of the banner campaign but it will atleast give you the number of people who have seen the banner ad.

    Advertiser could calculate the total cost involved per sale. Once the sale gets through, you could trace how the visitor originally came to the site.
    One of these or all of these points could be considered to judge how effective the banner ad has been for your site.

    To plan out an effective banner ad campaign consider the following points-

    Know your client- First and foremost you need to identify your target audience. You need to understand what could be important for them. Would they be enticed by a discount coupon or a price reduction or would just a new product or service keep them happy. This could be highlighted in your banner so as to catch the attention of your target customers. You could limit them to a time period- so that they take an immediate decision and you are assured of a result before the given date.

    Design of your banner- Have your banner ad designed very creatively. Depending upon your budget you could design an animated banner or a still one; after judging the pulse of your target viewers, design the banner accordingly. Just include enough matter to prompt the viewer to action and avoid cramming the banner with any unnecessary information.

    Unique banner- Ensure that your banner is unique and stands apart among the competition. If it is a regular banner ad it may get lost in the crowd; but if unique then your customers will notice it and come to your site for sure.

    Landing page- You design an excellent banner ad and manage to divert potential customers to your website. But once there if the page is not as impressive as the ad, then they may get disappointed and may exit from the site. You definitely don’t want this to happen. So ensure that your landing page is well designed and meets the expectations of your target customers. Eventually it is the site where the conversion will happen as the banner ad has done its job by diverting the customer to your site, so your landing page has to be effective enough to close the deal.

    Keep up your promises- Do not make hollow promises that you don’t intend to keep; you need to deliver too. If you have promised a discount, make sure that your customer gets the discount immediately on clicking. You cannot afford to have an unsatisfied customer who will then dissuade other potentials too. So keep true to the promises made.

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