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  • Keyworded Content – How Important is Density?

    keyword-density-and-seo There is always a great deal of talk about the importance of keyword density used in webs

    ite content frequently. You can go one step further with this on-page optimization strategy and improve the overall effectiveness of your keywords in your content. Not many people are aware of this often overlooked aspect SEO. Search engines look for this indicator in your content to decide which are the most important keywords and what the page itself is trying to convey. By giving enough of the proper cues to the search engines, you can easily improve the effectiveness of your top keywords.

    A common way to format your web content will be discussed below – with options. Try to create headings when you are creating your copy. Headings need to include your top keywords. When you create headings, use H1 tags and make the font bold. Create as many sub headings as possible within the content. These subheadings should have the top keywords as well. When you hire a copywriter or a content writer, tell them your preferences. Explain clearly the need to have headings and sub headings in your web page content. Also cover your keyword density goals.

    Hire a content writer that has good SEO background. There are number of SEO companies that also offer website content writing services, but be careful to monitor the quality of the content. Hiring SEO companies to create your website content will make the process much easier as your SEO company will not have any difficulty in understanding your special requirements. If you use an independent SEO copywriter, the good ones will cost you, but they are worth it!

    Your content needs to include the top keywords. Try to use those keywords in bold font or underline them when possible. You can also use your top keywords to create internal links for your website. Linking your inner pages with one another using the top keywords as the hyperlink text has proven to be highly effective in terms of boosting the keyword strength.

    The catch is that you have to remember not to over do this aspect of on-page optimization. Whatever you do should blend well with the website design and content. It must not stand out looking odd. If it looks out of place, it is no help. Your users will also be evaluating your website in terms of quality of presentation – and what they think matters as much as what the SERPs think. Google emphasizes being user friendly very strongly – it really does matter right down to loading speed of pages. There is no point in driving traffic to your website if you cannot impress that traffic.

    You will also be able to learn from other websites. Look for top ranking websites in your niche and review how they have presented the content in their website and this will help you refine your web page’s content. Use every tool you have to educate yourself as to what it takes to rank well, work with professionals when you contract help and above all keep it user friendly!

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