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  • White Hat Linkbait

    Linkbait is basically an attraction that guides people to link to your site. It’s something to share, that will grab people’s attention, and make them feel like sharing it with others. It can be a piece of breaking news, a funny picture, a joke, a h

    ilarious video or a cool on-site tool that people will just have to check out.

    If you don’t like the term linkbait, you can call it content – although I think there is a slight difference between the main entrée and the parsley on top.

    Keeping the bait relevant to your site is a huge big plus. My (fictional as of yet) site devoted to pet clothing could run a video of a animal dressed up in my clothes, doing something hilarious.

    A human interest type story could generate interest as well – perhaps a look at abandoned dogs and their plight – this isn’t as funny, but people to feel strongly about such things and you could get some attention there. Sponsor a animal charity, and send out a press release about their newest activity.

    What if your site is rather dull? A financial site, say…

    Lyndon Antcliff made the news earlier this year with a shocking take on linkbait – he posted a story on a site belonging to a large financial UK company warning about credit card fraud, and making his point by using as an example a boy who had used his fathers credit account for a shopping spree, hotel room and hookers.

    Later of course, the notation was added to the story that it was a complete fabrication and not to be taken seriously, but not before the story had been picked up by major networks in the US and UK, and links to the site had reached the stratosphere.

    This was frowned upon by webmasters everywhere, and was considered rather blck-hat! A better way to retain trust and credibility would have been to try a different approach – and here are a few.

    Take a survey. Ask a question to engage attention, then invite their input. “What kind of bank account do you really need? Our survey tells you how!”

    Or, simply set up a poll: “Do you worry about identity theft? Check Yes or No!”

    Maybe you want to run a contest. “Best 300 word true story about mortgage woes wins free coffee mug or t-shirt!”

    See? Even banking can be baitable. (And baitable isn’t a word, I just made it up. Baitworthy is also good.)

    Above all, keep it simple. If you are serious about baiting your site for links, set it up so that they are reminded and encouraged to link at every turn. Don’t forget to keep the social network buttons by your bait to promote the buzz – sometimes getting Dugg is enough to catapult you into fame.

    Also, let bloggers know they are welcome to carry your bait – in return for a link. Most bloggers are not as worried about PageRank, and will gladly give you a backlink.

    Spread the word!

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