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  • The Six Steps to Quick and Easy SEO

    The title of this post is a lie. There are a million ways to SEO. We only have time for six today, however – and it sounds so snappy, doesn’t it?

    The first thing you notice about this post IS the title – it mentions SEO, and groups it with a couple of terms searchers might be likely to pair it with when looking for tips; ‘quick’ and ‘easy’.

    I could also have titled it “How to SEO in Six Simple Steps” or “Do You Have to SEO your Site?” Any of these will make sure the spiders know that your site is about SEO.

    Once you have optimized your title, header or url, (Step one)you can optimize the rest of your content(Step two). Keywords are useful tools, but shouldn’t be used to excess. Write natural content that is focused on your topic, niche or theme, and the keywords should appear automatically! Make sure you are fresh and new, and that you make sure you provide more information in other places to encourage traffic to flow to and through your site.

    Step three – linking. Start by making sure your internal linking structure is sound. Then move on to external links. A good smattering of one way links from related sites plus a few reciprocals from very high quality sites can blend with links in articles you write for distribution, comments on blogs and posts in forums you frequent.

    Now you are ready for step four – advertising. You can set up ads through Google for an easy way out, or go out on your own and find sites with great traffic and click through rates to buy your own ads in different venues. You are the one who has to make up the advertising budget, so you should decide. Make sure that you are in charge of wording your ads – SEO is important there as well. So never miss an opportunity!

    Step five is to monetize. Figure out how to use AdSense or Affiliates on your site to bring in revenue. If you can make enough to pay for your domain and hosting, that’s a start. If you can bring enough to cover your own advertising, that’s even better! Make sure you always take advantage of every opportunity to market a product of your own, though – don’t forget that you can make the most profit off of your own ideas and even encourage others to become YOUR affiliates!

    Finally, step six. This is the fun part. Update, update, update. Continually find ways to improve your site by upgrading your pages and adding fresh content. Check your urls and links often, and take care of any snags. Provide excellent customer service that brings them back for more. The sky is the limit when it comes to expansion, so always be watching for new markets and test driving new campaigns to be sure you are moving with the times and keeping up with trends. Most of all, have FUN! Or if you just don’t have the time, hire us to have fun for you.

    Happy SEO!

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