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  • Simple Ways to Optimize Mobile Web Search Presence

    Keeping up with the speeding popularity of handheld Smartphones and devices, Google has announced its plan to revolutionize mobile friendly websites and use them as ranking signal. Mobile friendly websites, with the recent expansion is likely to affect mobile searches in different languages. This means that websites will now have to stamp their presence even on mobile phones. The need to come up with comprehensive and engaging mobile-friendly websites has become important as a large percentage of users make maximum searches from their hand-held devices. Any website that falls short on creating a comprehensive mobile experience is sure to be left behind in the market race.

    SEO 1

    The practice of creating mobile friendly websites is not recent but rather one that Google has been encouraging since the last couple of years. Webmasters can focus on creating mobile friendly sites by tweaking the visibility of sites such that they are able to thrive well even on mobile devices. Optimization through the implementation of testing tools and the guide released by Google will surely help fortifying an already existing website and make it mobile friendly.

    Mobile SEO audits for Google crawlers
    In order to enhance the experience of mobile users, webmasters can further optimize the mobile web search presence by delving deeper into mobile SEO audit. Conducting this audit by closely following the guidelines will ensure that Google crawlers perfectly identify the mobile content and save it accordingly. This type of validation will ensure that images, CSS and JS that are connected to the mobile content also become crawlable.

    During the optimization step, it is essential to proceed with caution and make sure that important sites are not blocked. This may lead to unnecessary errors and will surely hamper the overall user experience. Being vigilant during the initial steps and unblocking important sites will help successful optimization and improve the performance of the website.

    Optimizing SEO elements and relevant websites
    Another area where adequate attention is required during the optimization step is to ensure that pages are redirected to a relevant website. Accessibility of the content is another issue and this can be tackled by making sure that all the SEO elements of the content are well managed. These elements would typically include title and meta descriptions relating to a particular web page content. By using Google’s Smartphone crawler it is possible to fix any glitches or minor issues and prevent the problem from assuming a ginormous form that could hamper the visibility of a website on a mobile device.

    Mobile site configuration for speedy processing
    Mobile site configurations are likely to vary vastly for different web pages. It is important that site pages are constructed such that annotations, http status and other essentials are well managed. With respect to site configuration, tweaking the site speed will greatly impact the overall user experience. A website that is complete in all aspects but takes a long time to load will surely put off users from visiting it again. Understanding this issue and fixing it right in the source will ensure steady traffic with favorable user behavior. Taking care of these aspects will not only positively impact the user experience but play a major role in improving the ranking status of the website on mobile as well as desktop sites.

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