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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 92. Metrics that Speak Success

    Every website owner should closely follow their website’s visitor data. Only by keeping track of the metrics, it is possible to improve the results. Your website’s visitor data will help you quantify your level of success with your SEO efforts. Without interpreting the metrics or keeping track of the metrics, you will not be able rework your SEO strategies to achieve better results. As far as SEO is concerned, remaining in the same position is equivalent to going back on your results as long as you are not in the top 5 positions. In no time you will be thrown back to one of those pages where people do not reach. You need to be constantly working on your SEO to improve your ranking.

    Your website statistics will give you lot of information regarding the behavior of your website visitors in your website. This should give you lot of insights about the nature of your visitors. If you ignore this valuable data, you are not making the best use of the information that is available at hand.

    One of the important metrics that you should track is the figures on the entry page. This will help you identify the strongest pages in your website. You must make sure to reinforce those strongest pages so that it will continue to attract traffic. You must also make sure to have all the most important information regarding your site in those strongest pages so that you can increase the conversion rate. You can also find the weakest pages in your website. Once you have identified the weakest pages, you must make necessary efforts to boost those weak pages so that you have a well-balanced ranking for the entire website.

    Another important data that you should find is the referring websites. This will give you a very clear indication of which aspect of your SEO efforts is bearing more results. If most of your visitors are from social media websites and article directories, then it shows that your off page optimization efforts and search engine marketing is bearing better results for your website. The next important data that you should note is visitor demographics. This will help you find your visitors location. If your service or product is limited to local destinations getting visitors from overseas destinations will not bring you the desired results. This will point to you that you should concentrate on making your keywords stronger for local searches by using geographic qualifiers.

    If you are not paying attention to all these details and metrics, you will end up losing all the prospective leads to your competitors. As you can see number of factors are within your control and you can easily work on them to get better search engine ranking for your website. If you want to be successful in your business, you should learn to interpret the metrics.

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