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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 70. Dealing with High Level of Competition

    While well thought out, holistic SEO process can surely get us good rankings, we need to admit that at times optimizing and getting good ranking for certain keywords can be highly challenging. Some of the niche markets have severe competition. We need to be realistic about working our way through the competition. Some of the websites will be having a long-standing history of ranking well in the search engine results. They will be old enough, well linked and authoritative in their own fields. Overpowering such websites can be indeed a difficult task for a brand new website.

    Market research is highly crucial for any good SEO to take place. If our optimization efforts do not match the market competition then getting required ranking will be just an unrealized dream. How do we survive in such a high level of competition? Can we get enough traffic to our websites despite the high level of traffic? The answer is yes but for that, we need to understand the company or the website’s business model well and only then we will be able to derive the required traffic. We can tap the visitor traffic through many avenues.

    It is no more a popular trend to work on short and generic keywords. At one time, people were fighting for generic keywords. But if you look at the issue little closely, you will understand that generic keywords will have lot of competition. It is not only a highly level of competition that will have to face, but at the same time, we will not be getting focused visitor traffic. By choosing too generic keywords, we will only increase the competition level. The conversion rates will be poor with generic keywords.

    The best way to fight high level of competition is to go for a tight knit approach on long tailed keywords that are specific to your website. Get your website’s content written by seasoned SEO writer who has good business acumen. Because in today’s scenario, what we need is multi skilled SEO professionals. A web designer can be considered a skilled person when he or she is good at designing highly captivating designs and the same applies to a programmer too but for an SEO professional to be a skilled SEO professional, he or she should be good at writing, good at analysis of the market trend, should have a decent knowhow about website designing and above all should understand the business dynamics. If they are given a new field, they should be able make a quick research and come up with SEO solutions that are customized to that particular field. SEO is becoming more and more niche based these days. So if we are to fight a heavy competition, we need to take into consideration all possible aspects and the SEO professional and the SEO writers should be capable of undertaking such tasks.

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