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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 67.Promoting Your Website through Video Marketing

    We are living in a very privileged internet era whereby we can enjoy online video sharing at free of cost. Even in the last decade, video sharing did not become as cheap or as easy as today. Online video was reserved for huge brands and multinational companies because it was so expensive. Such companies too used online video sharing very sparingly. Today we are enjoying free online video sharing. This has opened up a new avenue for website promotion.

    If you have not tried video marketing, then it is high time that you start promoting your website through video marketing. It has been found that people who hate to read loads of text in a web page prefer to watch videos even if it means waiting for two full minutes for the video to download.

    Video marketing presents a wide range of opportunities to promote your services and products. You do not have to go to film school to shoot your videos for video marketing. You can do with a good quality web cam to produce decent resolution video. You can use videos of your products and product demos. You can also make use of any special offers or discounts that you are announcing for your products. It can be even seasonal greetings in a video message. You can think of hundreds of ways to promote your products through video.

    When you want to promote your products or services through video marketing, always remember that subtle marketing works better than using hard selling tactics. Hard selling tactics often frustrate online users because they are already bombarded by enough companies and you should not become yet another company that uses marketing gimmicks to sell its products. So make sure that your marketing videos are well thought out before you upload them. You can increase your website’s visitor traffic dramatically through video marketing. You must make sure to promote your marketing videos in the right video channels so that you get the attention of the online community.

    Make your videos as interesting as possible. Never make use of anything obscene or vulgar hoping to increase your visitor traffic, as this will ruin the reputation of your brand name. Irrespective of the nature of your products or services always stick to professional standards. This will help you with your brand identity creation as well.

    When you upload your videos and promote them, online make sure to use the right keywords. Choose popular titles and incorporate your keywords as part of those popular titles. This will help you to feature in popular searches. If you use some obscure titles, which people do not use in their searches, then your video marketing will not be that effective. You will be able to tap the maximum benefit out of your video marketing with little extra planning and meticulous promotion.

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