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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 63. Choose Your Hosting Service Carefully

    Many people often wonder what has hosting got to do with SEO and such people may be again be surprised to see a posting on web hosting in a SEO blog. Web hosting is not directly linked to your website’s SEO but it certainly can have a great impact on the number of visitors that visit your website and the results of your SEO efforts. What is the link between the two?

    If people have to visit your website, it must be hosted online. There is no use having a brilliant website developed and have it stored in your computer. Only when it is hosted online it can be accessed by people worldwide. This might sound too trivial to mention this point here. However, if you do not pick your hosting service provider with care, you might end up having trouble with your server uptime. You must ensure to pick a hosting service that has the highest server uptime. When the uptime of your server comes down, then the number visitors that cannot access your website will increase. Despite all the SEO efforts, your website will render itself to be useless if you have hosted your website on a poor server, which goes down often. You will lose a lot of visitors this way. Moreover, when your website is down frequently, even visitors who visit your website regularly will get frustrated. Poor hosting is one of the surest ways of losing your online popularity. It will work against all that you have done for your website.

    That is not everything, there are further serious damages that can be caused by hosting your website with a poor hosting service provider. It is not only human visitors that visit your website; even search bots visit your website regularly. Search engines visit all the websites regularly to index them for the latest updates. If your website is often down, then even the search engine bots cannot access your site files. This can be one of the worst things that can happen to your website. If this happens quite too frequently, then the search bots will stop visiting your site. This can have a serious negative effect on your website’s ranking. All the new efforts and modifications that you have made to your site to improve its ranking will not be updated if your website is down when the search bot visits you. While every website online is trying to get to the top, you cannot afford to sit back and relax watching your website remaining stagnant with its search engine ranking. As you can see, you can easily lose a lot of business when you happen to have poor hosting service. You will lose a lot of money if your website happens to be down during holiday season when the online shopping is expected to reach the peak. Therefore, reliable hosting service is highly essential for your site’s online success.

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