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  • SEO Step-By-Step Guide– 192. Different Categories of Website Visitors

    If you are serious about increasing your sales conversions, you must understand your website visitors. Without having a clear understanding about your visitors, you cannot really plan your conversion strategies.
    All the websites get three types of visitors
    1. People who know about your website and type the URL or your company name in the browser. This could be your existing customers, people who have seen your offline advertisements, people that come by reference of your friends, existing customers etc. Here they have a very specific requirement and your website, products or services are capable of fulfilling their need and that is why they are at your website. You should make the best out of these visitors. You should be able to have the highest conversion rates here. Your website should be able to demand trust; your offerings should be impressive enough. So it is not enough to get the visitors to your website, you should have impressive stuff that can sell your products or services. If you cannot sell to this category of visitors, then you are very unlikely to sell to the other categories of visitors. So have a powerful selling strategy to tap on the potential of this category of visitors.
    2. The second category of visitors are people who are looking for the services or products you are offering and make a search using different keywords. This category of visitors too are highly targeted and they have a very specific requirements. If you have optimized your website for the right keywords, and if the optimization is effective, then the visitors that you get through this category will be highly targeted. You have highly prospective customers in this category. Increasing the visitors belonging to this category should be relentless goal. This category will constitute a major portion of your website visitor traffic. Here again getting visitors to your website is not good enough. They should fulfill the goal of each page. Have definitive goals for each page and provide them information that will lead them to that goal. You should be able to get good percentage of conversions in this category.
    3. The third category of visitors are people that accidentally come across your website while looking for something that is not really related to your website. You cannot expect any conversions in this category. However, it does not mean that these visitors are not of any use. You can benefit from these visitors as well. Have a stunning website that will make them bookmark your site so that they can comeback to your website when they need your services and products. Have a bookmarking button that will allow them to add your website to their list of favorites easily.

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