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  • SEO Step By Step Guide–18. Tips To Choose Your Article Titles

    One of the essential aspects of SEO copywriting is article writing. A major challenge in article writing faced by many SEO copywriters is to find a suitable title for their articles. At times they spend much less time in articles themselves when compared to the amount of time that they spend to decide a catchy title for their articles and for their blog posts.

    Is the title of the article so important? Yes, it is highly important to select suitable titles for your articles. It is the title of the article that will help the visitors decide whether to proceed further with their reading and whether they will be able to get what they want from your article. Moreover, it is your article title that appears in the search results because almost all article directories put your article title as the page title. Some of the reputed article directories such as Ezine Articles include your article title as part of the URL that links to your article. In later posts, we will learn that to make your web page more relevant to the search that is made, you must make sure to add your keywords as part of the page title and also that you must come up with URLs that have your keywords. Therefore, by selecting the right title for your articles you are making your entire article more search engine friendly. Of course, the keyword density and the quality of the content too are important but paying extra attention to the title of the article always pays rich dividends.

    This should have already given a clue on how to come up with titles that are SEO friendly. First of all, make sure that your major keyword features as part of your article title because by doing so, you will increase the potential of your entire article to appear when related searches are made in the search engines. Secondly, be as descriptive as possible with your titles so that the visitors can guess what your article is about. You need to remember that visitors will click on your article only when they find your article relevant to your search. Your article might feature in the search results because of the right keyword density, but if the title of the article does not match user’s search phrase, then the visitor is most likely to skip your article. You will miss a great deal of traffic that you could have possibly received through your article.

    Thirdly, use something that people will search for, do not make your article titles into riddles. You can show your creativity in the article but for SEO reasons, your article titles should be as descriptive as possible with the inclusion of relevant keywords. People, often search for information they need using some of the following phrases:

    “How to…”
    “Where to…”
    “Tips for…”

    Therefore, by adding these kinds of phrases in your title along with the keywords you can increase your chances of featuring in the search results.

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