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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 164. SEO Theory vs. Practice

    There is always been a great tussle between these two things – Knowledge vs. Practice. Irrespective of the fields that you choose, the clash persists between these two. The same applies to the SEO field as well. It is easy to acquire knowledge about SEO. In reality it is a simple and straightforward field. The basics of SEO can be covered in just few days. However it takes an intelligent mind to put various SEO concepts together to come up with powerful SEO strategies.

    On the other hand practice of SEO takes one’s lifetime. It is one of the slowest web process. When the world of internet is loved for its ability to do every thing fast and instantly such as email, live chat, web conference, online shopping, downloading of information and music instantly right at one’s desk, ordering pizzas and other stuff in just few clicks, ranking in search engines takes several months. We cannot expect the same speed with which we accomplish things using the internet, in SEO too. This is one of the major limitations of SEO that we should be mindful of.

    Moreover, one should be highly discerning when it comes to SEO practice to find out what will work for one’s website and what will not work. Many things in SEO depends on the level of competition involved. It also depends on the target market. So SEO practice should also be mindful of all these variables.

    While the principles of SEO remain the same for all niches, the application or the practice will vary from one field to the other. Some of the strategies may work well for certain niches and totally a failure with other niches. For example search engine marketing through YouTube, Facebook and other popular social networking sites may be the most productive online promotional strategy for targeting younger generations, these may not be the ideal places to concentrate when it comes to promoting a product that are related to elderly people. We don’t find a great majority of this age group in peppy social networking sites. So we should look for other places where they could be found. Most often commonsense approach works well with SEO because it has a lot to do with latest sociological trends and psychological patterns. That is one of the reasons why it takes a long time to become an ace SEO professional though the knowledge can be acquired in just few days.

    Never start implementing SEO for your website without acquiring a considerable amount of knowledge about this field. Half knowledge can be risky because you might end up taking the wrong roads without intentionally wanting to practice black hat SEO. Just as an example, you might learn that keyword density is good but fail to learn that keyword stuffing can kill your website. Therefore, learn to be cautious before you start implementing any SEO related changes to your website.

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