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  • SEO Step By Step Guide – 126. Making the Best Use of Squeeze Pages

    Squeeze pages are basically pages with hardcore marketing text that tries to make you signup for the services it is trying to promote or gather your contact details. The information gathered is used for future marketing mails or send you additional information about the products or services these pages are promoting. Squeeze pages use extensive marketing text that is written with the help of a copywriter that specializes in writing sales letters. Normally these pages do not have links to any other pages and will have a lot of content that is loaded in the same page with the intention of convincing the visitor.

    However, if you over do with the marketing stuff, you can very easily frustrate your visitors and chase them off your site. So you must make sure that your squeeze pages are very carefully developed. Be as succinct as possible without being skimpy with the content. You need to have enough content on your squeeze page to ensure right keyword density.

    Internet users and consumers are used to these squeeze pages and often do not prefer to stay on and read the information that is presented in a highly marketing style. The problem that many users consider unbearable is the repetition of the same point over and over in various formats hoping to get the visitor into action. This frustrates the visitors often because squeeze pages do not contain any useful information about the product or service. They simply try to get our contact details or try to urge us to buy the products or order their service. So as soon as people hit a squeeze page, they try to flee immediately without any delay.

    If you are using a squeeze page for any specific reason, make sure that your squeeze pages are different from the regular squeeze pages. There are no hard and fast rules how a squeeze pages should be. You can indeed make your squeeze pages look more presentable and not have 2000 words of content that bores the visitors. After all these years of using the internet we should know by now that no one spends such a long time on websites reading each line. So if at all you want to get across a point make sure that you present in a professional way in the shortest form possible. Too much of content on your squeeze page will only hurt the performance of your squeeze page. So to avoid underperformance of your squeeze pages make sure to make it different from the regular squeeze pages. Get a good web designer to develop your squeeze pages and the squeeze pages that you develop should be search engine friendly so that they will perform well in the search results.

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