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  • SEO Step By Step Guide– 110. Challenges in Optimizing your Amazon Store

    Many of us run Amazon stores and try to get good traffic to our Amazon store. Optimizing our Amazon stores present a great challenge. Many Amazon affiliates feel that there is far too much of competition. Secondly, the optimization efforts do not bear any striking results as all the stores use almost the same or similar tags rendering our optimization efforts useless. The usual optimization efforts such as adding page title, name of the product, picture description, H1 tags etc., are not sufficient.

    SEO for our Amazon store therefore poses a special challenge. It is difficult to set yourself apart from the other stores that sell the same products. The minor tweaks that we often try are no good to help us surpass the existing competition. Even minor tweaks that we implement to our Amazon store are mimicked by the others too. So ultimately, such tweaks too make no difference.

    One of the ways of beating the competition is to generate our own content. This might bring in the desired results as compared to using the same data feeds used by thousands of other Amazon store owners. Most of us end up as envy bugs envying the other stores that some how make it to the top. When we closely observe those successful stores, we don’t find too much of difference between our store and their stores. All Amazon store owners would do anything to get the desired traffic to their stores and to increase their sales. Many webmasters try to empower their stores with unique content. They try to provide authoritative content on the chosen topic and link it well. This approach seems to bring in the desired results that we cannot otherwise expect. You must remember that there is no short cuts. If you are not ready to walk the long walk, then you are not fit to be part of the game. Paid traffic too does not get you the desired results. Lately Amazon has changed its policies on paid traffic. Sending paid traffic may not fetch you the desired profits. It is best to revisit their latest policies to ensure that you are not just throwing away money on paid traffic in an effort to send traffic to Amazon stores.

    Some webmasters try to create Rss feeds with their Amazon id and link it to some highly resourceful content such as an eBook or portal information. When people make use of these feeds, our links will be spread across the web. However, the source should be highly credible to be subscribed by visitors. Remember that our usual strategies will not take us too far. We need to come up with something unique. If you have already found you secret recipe to success then you must consider yourself lucky because there are thousands of Amazon store owners still groping in the dark.

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