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  • SEO Report: How Much Does it Cost?

    How much money does  SEO cost? How much SHOULD it cost??

    It depends. Knowing what kind of budget you should assign for your website’s SEO requires knowing what SEO is, and determining what you want it to do for you. There are various factors that will come into play when deciding your SEO budget. One of the major deciding factors is the competition level for the keywords relevant to your website.(For example, if you are in a broad market, trying to rank for ‘shoes’ can be hard. Likewise, if you are in a niche market, trying to rank for designer ankle boots can still be hard.) If the services or the products that you are selling belong to a niche or broad market that is highly competitive then the efforts required to get good online visibility will be relatively higher – and the SEO budget for such websites will be higher.

    Your website’s SEO budget should be more flexible than a rigid budget for other expenses. At times, you may have to take some additional measures to increase the traffic level such as ads for paid traffic, or at other times invest in getting the right type of organic traffic. If you don’t do your SEO yourself,. you must figure out what the priorities are when you hire an SEO firm of professionals to help you out.

    Be attuned to your SEO results and track every change for six to twelve weeks before changing course. You should be constantly keeping track of your website’s presence on the web (via rankings) your traffic, ad clicks and conversions for each level, and do the needful tweaking to keep your profit levels above the mark. If you are launching a new website, then the initial expenses for SEO can be on the higher side of the scale. Unfortunately, many webmasters who spend a lot of money on their website design fail to set aside the right budget for their website’s SEO. It’s hard to put a figure for the SEO both in terms of $$ or in terms of % of the over all cost of your website development.

    The size of your website will have an impact on how much of your budget will be needed to meet real SEO needs. For example if your site is 5 page website then setting aside 20% of the cost of the website will probably not meet your SEO needs effectively. If you run a massive shopping cart then 20% of the over all cost of your website will likely be a more than adequate budget. Don’t let some guru try to tell you a flat percentage of your site budget should be earmarked for SEO regardless of the size of your site.

    Always take into consideration the amount of competition that you need to fight and the earning potential. Having a generous budget for your SEO can help, but only if you spend it wisely and on the right SEO professionals who know what they are doing and can provide real results.  If you identify the right service SEO service provider that offers affordable SEO services we will be able to save a considerable amount of money as well as see some positive results.

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