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  • SEO Recap – Article Titles

    One of the essential aspects of web copywriting is SEO friendly article writing. Many SEO copywriters face challenges in finding suitable titles for their articles. … but this is one of the key elements in getting your articles read.

    The title of your article is very important; you must carefully select appropriate titles for each article you publish in order to attract attention and also use keywords that people are likely to search for.  When you use suitable titles for your articles, you enhance your visitor’s experience; when they see the title of the article it can help each visitor decide whether to proceed further with their reading. If you show them right away that the answer they seek is in the body of your article, they understand they will be able to get what they want from your article.

    “How to…”

    Also, your article title is what appears in the search results because almost all article directories put your article title as the page title. Even the most highly reputed article directories (like Ezine Articles) will include your article title as part of the URL that links to your article. As you learn  to make your web page more relevant to the searches being made by web users, you must make sure to add your keywords as part of the page title and to create URLs that have your keywords.

    When you select the right title for your articles you are making your entire article more search engine friendly. You must of course also pay attention to keyword density and the quality of the content, but if these are solid then a little extra attention to the title of the article will yield great benefits.

    Titles that are SEO friendly will have your major keyword featured as part of your article title. This process will increase the potential of your entire article to appear when related searches are made in the search engines. Also, the more descriptive you can be with your titles, the easier it will be for visitors can guess what your article is about and this is important because visitors will click on your article only if they find your article relevant to your search.

    Your article could easily feature in the search results because of the right keyword density, but if the title of the article does not match user’s search phrase, then the visitor is most likely to skip your article. You can miss out on an enormous amount of traffic that you could have possibly received through your article if you fail to catch the web user’s eye.

    Finally, use phrases that people will search for and resist the impulse to be too cute with your article titles – this can turn them into riddles. Show your creativity in the article, by all means, but for SEO reasons, your article titles should be as descriptive as possible with the inclusion of relevant keywords. The following phrases are often used in search, and should be included in SEO friendly article writing including titles.

    “How to…”
    “Where to…”
    “Tips for…”

    Implementing these phrases increases your chances both of being found in search and in being actually read by web searchers.

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