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  • SEO or SEM? Both?

    There are many misconceptions about SEO and SEOs. A lot of people think SEO and SEM is the same thing.

    Well, it’s not. You can SEO without SEM, SEO can in fact be SEM, but SEM without SEO is probably going to fail. On the other hand, SEO with no attention to SEM in certain markets can be damaging.

    Are you confused yet? SEO is search engine optimization. SEOs are search engine optimizers – in other words, they do SEO. SEM is search engine marketing, which some SEOs also do, and many SEMs handle exclusively.

    PPC is pay per click, and is used in the advertising world to mean advertising revolving around payments made for every time people click on your ad. CPC means cost per click – which is more specific, being the actual price you pay for each click in your pay per click campaign.

    You can also have cost per action, and cost per sale; it depends on your personal preferences. So, is it worth it? Should you SEO or SEM? Should you do both? How do you decide?

    You just want to get traffic to your site; good solid targeted traffic that will yield high conversions. For this you need a combination of optimization and marketing techniques that included elements of each one in a comfortable setting. This will make sure you are targeting customers appropriately, and will give your website more authority.

    Any SEO that guarantees automatic sales or top level search engine ranking is probably too good true. SEOs are great at finding out what makes search engine click, and they can do their best to make your site operate at full competency.

    This can add to your traffic, and the rest is up to you, as you tweak pages and approaches to convert your traffic into sales. If you have done your SEO correctly, you will have good targeted traffic. Your SEM traffic will be highly motivated, checkbook in hand.

    All you have to do is make sure you pick a niche that you can effectively optimize and market without huge outlay. Be broadminded and attack on many different levels as possible, and you will establish a reputation for being able to deliver the goods.

    A word about that- make sure you CAN deliver on all of your promises. It is way easier to exceed expectations that to fall short… IF you are smart enough to make your customers happy, you will find that a good name is worth all of the SEOP and SEM in the world.

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