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  • SEO Still Counts!

    Rankings have evolved in the past few years. Now people are more internet savvy, and rarely click past page one of the SERPS – let alone page two. They back up and rephrase their question. This means making the top ten – or preferably the top five – more important than ever.

    The popularity of your site can make or break your ranking. People using your site helps you, people linking to your site helps you, people talking about your site helps you!

    The search engines’ intent is to provide searchers with the best results possible. How they define “best results” may be up for debate; the way they sort results may constantly change, but the basics of sound SEO remain the same as they have for years. You need:

    Relevant content, and lots of it – well written and captivating

    Search engine friendly site structure, with a good sitemap

    Inbound links from relevant site, with the authority of PageRank and length of existence


    Google will find that your website is popular and rank it accordingly when it is relevant for its searchers. When less traffic is flowing, rankings begin to fall and traffic drops.
    You want momentum, you must keep promoting. This means SEO and general marketing efforts to keep a steady flow of traffic coming to your site.

    SEO isn’t a turn on and walk away process. There are larger issues than “traditional” organic and paid search. Social media marketing is the new hot topic on SEO industry websites and blogs.

    Is “social media marketing” really “organic search”? Not precisely, but it is closely related – so closely that talking about one invariably brings up the other. You can’t talk about organic SEO without addressing other methods of marketing that make your site more relevant, popular, and trafficked.

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