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  • Natural Inbound Linking

    Does your webpage only have inbound links to the home page? If so, your rankings may be suffering as a result of that. When a webpage only has inbound links to the home page, at times search engines will see that and can draw the wrong conclusions.

    They may assume that your site is very shallow, containing little information. It is possible that they may interpret that as your having done a really good job of obtaining links, but having acquired than under a less than favorable set of circumstances. They may view the inks all resting on the home page as being spam. Neither scenario is what you want.

    Website that have multiple inbound links coming to different pages are more likely to be viewed as a valuable site. It portrays depth and also that you have authoritative material – if it wasn’t valuable, who would spend the time to link to your interior pages? While different pages may attract different types of attention, having a broad array of people with various interests who link to specific pages of your site that are relevant to them looks extremely good.

    One of the most important thing to keep in mind when you are acquiring deep links is that not all pages on your site are of equal value. You may find that there are a number of pages which you won’t want deep links to at all, because they are pages that only make sense when the viewer arrives at them through another page on your web – a ‘solutions to your problem’ page that should be preceded by the appropriate ‘state your problem’ page, for example. Think of it this way – you read a book from the start through to the end – and linking is a lot like that regarding solution pages and pages of that ilk.

    Each internal page containing any inbound deep links should have a visible  guide somewhere on it that can be used to help orient your visitors. What you ideally want is to have your visitors get to your linked page and then decide that they want to read more, stop by your home page or wherever it is you hope to direct them.  Provide your visitors with options like ‘More…’, ‘Home’ or (for long pages) ‘Back to top’  which are invaluable.

    Both the amount and the quality of your natural inbound links is what helps determine your Page Rank. Try to have your best inbound links lead to your home page. With that done, begin concentrating on building rank on deeper pages using other inbound links relevant to each page. Deep linking can be a very powerful tool when I is done correctly. Deep linking should not be disregarded or discounted by any serious webmaster. The process of learning how to manage your deep links so they work for you can increase your traffic and the amount of time visitors spend on your website.

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