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  • Narrowing Down To The Right Keywords

    All of us supply our SEO firms with hundreds of keywords and keyword phrases. This clearly shows that how desperate we are to make sure not to let any traffic slip through missed out keywords. However, when we try to optimize our website for too many keywords, the overall effect of our SEO gets watered down. Ultimately, it stops bearing the results it should. On the other hand we should narrow down our keywords to the most crucial ones to ensure better results. How do we narrow down our keywords list because all of them look important how will we know the keyword phrase that people are likely to use. Besides that people from different geographic locations have different search patterns how do we the ones that we should keep and the ones to be knocked off.

    We need to first of all analyze our own approach to keyword analysis. Do you use a keyword generation tool that spits out hundreds of keyword options that confuse us or do you sit with your business model trying to coin the keywords by becoming a user yourself? You are more likely to get better results if you avoid keyword generation tools because these tools tries to create the keyword phrases based on the preset formula that is fed into the program and gives combinations various keywords most of which are insensible phrases. So to avoid making your website copy look awkward, go the manual way.

    You can target up to 3 keyword phrases falling under the main category and up to 3 more secondary phrases that are associated with the main keywords per page. If you increase this count then you are going to water down the effects. So when you are short listing the keywords first come up with a broader list by becoming the user yourself. Secondly, add to the list the keywords which you think the users should be actually using to search your services. Some of them may be technical terms and most users will not be using the technical terms so you must provide multiple options for such keywords. If your website is already online you might take a peek at the keywords that people are actually using to visit your site in the server control panel. You need to focus on those keywords and those are the keywords that are most likely used by other users too. So this should serve as the starting point if you are revamping your sites SEO.

    After coming up with the initial list, you can add modifiers or qualifiers that will make your keyword phrase more targeted. However, this will make your keyword phrases longer. Sometimes these modifiers can be adjectives such as cheap, affordable etc., whereas at other situations it will be geographic qualifiers.  Geographic qualifiers are much more powerful than adjective qualifiers. After coming up with the list you can use free tools from Google and overture to see how frequently those terms are used in the search engines and based on the frequency you can give priority to the keywords. You should be constantly reviewing your priority list to ensure that your optimization efforts match the current trends.

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