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  • Making Your Websites Secure

    Have you ever come across the warning that states, “This Site May Harm Your Computer” in Google? It is normally found under the title of the listing when a website has some harmful virus or malicious codes that can affect the visitors. What if one o

    f your websites has this warning when it is listed in Google searches. Getting indexed in Google itself is a difficult feat and after all that struggle if you manage to get some good ranking in Google, it will be a dream realized for all webmasters. However, sometimes it can happen that warnings like these that appear along with our website’s listing can ruin all that we have worked for.

    This warning will appear in two situations, it can appear when you add a malicious codes and viruses in your website with an intention to steal the user data, passwords and other sensitive information or when someone hijacks your website and uploads the malicious codes into it which is detected by Google.

    Google tries to protect the users from such harmful sites so that people can continue to trust the search engine. Besides that it has a moral responsibility to provide a safe environment for its users to surf the internet. We saw two situations when the warning may appear in the search results. In both situations, the end result is the same, that is your website is marked as an unsafe website to be trusted and people who choose to visit your site do so at their own discretion.

    Your site will be considered an untrustworthy website by the online community and your visitor traffic will come down drastically. You can expect the visitor traffic to go to zero with organic searches from Google. It takes sometime before you can take the necessary steps to rectify the problem. For some sites, this can prove to be highly disastrous. For instance if you have been waiting for the holiday season to make up for the sales that you have lost during the year due to the prevailing recession, then a security warning against your website may prove to be highly destructive. It may not be your mistake in anyway, but still you will be held responsible.

    It is therefore important to make sure that your website is hosted in a secure server and that you take your website’s security serious. You must make sure that all the executable files in your website are secured. Hackers just wait for their chance to get into sites that are vulnerable. So as a website owner, it is your responsibility to provide a safe online experience to your website visitors. Regular check ups of your sites vulnerability and security status are highly important so that you can identify the problem as soon as it occurs or much better prevent it from happening at all. If you procrastinate to make your security checkups, then you must be ready to pay the price.

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