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  • Keywords VS Content Is there a magic formula to using keywords that gets the best results? The answer is – it depends. There are several different styles of article, and dozens of ‘optimization formulas’ to work with – and that is just the popular ones. Some experts say that you have to have a certain keyword density, to include the keywords in the first sentence , a specific range of how many words are in  the article, the title, the closing, each paragraph, etc. The real way to make sure you get conversions, however, is to make sure your content does attract attention, but is more focused on being HELPFUL and RELEVANT. That is the most important thing to keep in mind!

    How To – ‘How to —’ articles are good for SEO because people search using the term ‘how to—’ and also because the articles or very helpful and hands on. People like articles that provide clear, formulaic instructions. Always be sure to include a source where readers can get more info if they desire, or to other articles you’ve written on the topic already. Use your knowledge to set yourself up as an online expert in your field! A good reputation as the person with the answers is golden!

    Lists – People love lists, so think of top ten lists or best whatever lists or 20 ways to such and such lists. Lists are fun, informative, and can be highly interactive if you set them up correctly. Begin each list with a short introduction, create your list, then wrap it all up with a comment. Put the numerals in the title people will usually search with a “5” rather than “five” in most cases.

    Straw Men – Play devil’s advocate by setting up a premise – then demolish it in order to show your own, better way of approaching the question or problem at hand. People love a little controversy and getting involved with a discussion. This is a great way to address controversial practices or methods, and can begin with a question like – Does —- Really Work? The you can ‘debunk’ the premise, and offer your own solution. It is fun and tends to do great so far as people passing the link around.

    Examples – You can answer questions with examples – such as ‘Should I Outsource My SMM Work?’ and then inform your audience by sharing a few short success stories. Make sure to then offer your help. Use stats to give your piece authority, and don’t be  shy about leaving the forum open for feedback.

    Interviews – Interview an expert for an article. Put  your own points that you want to cover in your questions to facilitate some back and forth and allow for later editorializing. You can style it as a traditional article with heavy use of quotes, or as a Q&A. Pick a format you’re comfortable with and go for broke.

    Trends – Keep up on fads and hot breaking topics. People are always interested in whatever is trending.  Create quick press release style articles tying in relevant trends or news to your own topic or field. These have a chance of being picked up if you do a good job! It may be a little tough at first, but once you get the hang of it the process smoothes out nicely.

    Reports – Tell people about the ‘release’ of a new completed study or survey. You can base a whole article on the results of case studies, and they add authority to your piece. They also make you more newsworthy. Just be sure to remain objective and be very accurate.

    With a little work, you can increase traffic and still keep it all tied in to your business. Focus on the quality of the content, and everything else will take care of itself.

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