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  • Is Your Website Compatible With All the Latest Devices?

    In the recent post, we talked about the Google’s fresh interest on pagespeed score especially with your mobile sites. How fast your web pages are loading in the mobile devices is very important and Google has rolled out new guidelines for improvement along these lines. The question however is, is it sufficient that your website just loads fast in the mobile devices? Is it not even more important to check whether your website is rendering properly in all the mobile devices? If your pages are not displayed correctly in the mobile devices you will lose a lot of visitors.
    Latest Devices

    The diversity of the internet enabled mobile devices makes the entire scenario complex for the webmasters and the web design companies. It is not enough that your website is just compatible with the desktop displays and laptops, it is even more crucial that your web pages render correctly in the mobile devices because today a huge percentage of visitors come to your website through mobile devices. What makes this segment of visitors highly important is that most of the mobile visitors access your website when they are i0n the retail outlets trying to checkout your products and services in the last minute before they made their final call. In other words, these are highly prospective group of customers with the highest rate of conversions.

    What is required of you here as a prudent webmaster is that you should first try to understand the latest trends among the mobile phone users and the popularity of the various mobile devices in the market. Secondly, you should know what types of mobile gadgets are owned by your customers. Thirdly, you should check whether your web pages are rendering correctly in the most popular devices owned by your customers. You will have to constantly revisit your website statistics to continually modify your efforts. The competition level is very high in every niche. You will have to be quick and shrewd in getting the best out of every single visitor that comes to your website. Your visitors are not going to be tolerant to pages that are misaligned or pages that have display issues.

    You will need rigorous testing of your web pages in as many devices and as many display configurations as possible. What is more important is that you will have to remember that it is an on going process because many new gadgets and devices are being launched. You will have to keep testing your web pages in every device that is launched. This might sound to be a tedious or even impossible task but if you want to be successful online and if you want to reach the most prospective customers online then you will have to ensure that your website is compatible with all the latest mobile devices and equipment.

    The percentage of mobile users accessing your website through their mobile devices will only increase day by day. Therefore, it is worth taking the efforts to make your website compatible with the maximum number of devices possible.

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