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  • Is Using Squidoo Lenses Taking a Long Shot?

    squidoo There is a lot of propaganda and buzz about Squidoo lens marketing and you too would have come across some of them when you are trying to market your brand. Not everyone that uses Squidoo lenses to promote their brand understands how to use the platform correctly or how exactly Squidoo lenses can help their brands grow. In their lack of understanding, most people hastily run to create their Squidoo lenses and forget all about it thinking that they have done enough and that they will start getting a huge traffic to their website through Squidoo. Yes, it may be true that your Squidoo lenses are capable of sending huge traffic to your website but only when you handle the platform correctly.

    Your Squidoo lens will start producing the desired results only when you start promoting your lenses adequately in the social bookmarking sites and in the other high traffic networks. Are you wondering why you cannot directly promote your web pages in the social bookmarking sites rather than creating a Squidoo lens and promoting it? This is a legitimate question but with your Squidoo lens, you have the backing of one of the most popular content sharing platform with well-established reputation, which you may not yet have for your website. is considered any authority site in itself. Your brand visibility can improve greatly with Squidoo lens marketing. It has been noted and proven that well marketed Squidoo lenses get quick ranking in Google when compared to an independent page with the same level of marketing. Once your Squidoo lens ranking reaches significant level, the link you have placed in your Squidoo lens will start sending the link juice to your website. Your Squidoo page will become an authoritative page and links from that page will prove to be highly significant to your website. Meanwhile, your Squidoo lens will also start promoting your brand in its own way. receives thousands of visitors and your Squidoo lens can drive Squidoo traffic to your website, which again will prove to be very helpful for your brand promotion.

    Though it may look like that you are taking a long shot by creating Squidoo lenses and promoting them rather than spending that time to directly promote your website, on the long run, you will be able to reap the benefits of Squidoo lens marketing. Unless websites are benefiting from Squidoo lens marketing, so many thousands will not be blindly flocking to Try to create as many good quality Squidoo lenses as possible for your brand and promote them aggressively in the top social bookmarking sites and you will start seeing the expected results.

    For busy entrepreneurs that do not have time for the creation and the marketing of the Squidoo lenses, there are alternative options available. You can get help from a professional Squidoo lens creation company. When you do make use of to promote, your brand just make sure to stay out of spamming.

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