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  • Increase your ROI with AdSense

    AdSense is a great way to help monetize a blog or website, but many people don’t know that they can do so much better than just slapping up the ad blocks. Slight tweaks to your AdSense units can give you a 10 % to 25 % increase in your CTRs (click through rates), significantly increasing your AdSense revenues

    First, think about AdSense when you are designing your site, and use fonts and colors that will blend the ads in smoothly. You want your page to subtly bring the customer’s attention to the ads and strong graphics and flash can divert their attention.

    Second, remove the border from your ad blocks, this makes them seamlessly blend into your text, and allows you to keep them from shouting “I’m an advertisement, ignore me!” at your visitors. Studies show that removing the border can increase CTR twofold.

    Third, test different ad size, colors and placement. Three way matching is the best method – get much more variety than that and your page will start looking too cluttered. Tweak your AdSense units and find the best ones to increase your AdSense revenues. Titles texts and backgrounds can be mixed and matched with your existing webpage format to allow the ads to blend in.

    Fourth, blue is true. Stick with blue for link; internet surfers have been conditioned to see blue text and think ’click’, so don’t get fancy with your anchor text color. Stick with what works for best results.

    The line in your AdSense code should ALWAYS read Google_color_link = “#0000FF”; that is the hexadecimal code for blue text. Blue links have a 25% advantage over non blue links for CTR.

    These tips can significantly increase your ROI on your AdSense blog or website.

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