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  • Blogs and SEO

    Blogs and SEO

    A blog is defined as ‘A shared on-line journal where people can post daily entries about their personal experiences and hobbies’. Blog are primarily a place where people can sequentially offer there opinions on a plethora of topics. Topics that range from sports to fashion, a fact that makes blogs ideal for optimizers, who are looking for ways to increase the back links and popularity of there websites.

    Most blogs today allow free exchange of links and information, this has lead to many SEO experts cleverly placing links to there sites, disguising them as genuine blog entries or better still making them a part of a thread of questions. There are various sites that have started safe guarding their blogs from such ‘spamming’. This has made utilizing blogs for SEO purposes a challenging proposition. However this in no way means, that blogs cannot be utilized to effectively increase the page rank and the popularity of a website.

    Blogs sites are just one of the many avenues that have been recently exploited by search engine optimizers, in addition to blogs there are also other techniques like social bookmarking, creative article writing, these techniques are in essence a off shoot of using blog entries smartly. Recent developments have also added to the overall challenge of using blog sites, LSI has made it essential for search engine optimizers to properly research and isolate, blogs that are either related to the website being optimized or at least a topic that is related.

    Below is a short list of things to remember while using blogs to improve a sites popularity

    a) Try to isolate credible blogs and blogs that are relevant to your site, a fashion blog linking to a children’s cartoon site, will not make much of an impact.

    b) Do not spam a blog site, with dozens of links, instead look for a relevant topic that relates to your site.

    c) Be smart and create multiple blog users, this does not mean that you create a new user for every site you optimize but spread the links across multiple users, a single user registering a thousand links will be recognized as a spammer instantly

    The above are just a few things to keep in mind when you are using blogs to optimize your site, but the crux of the matter remains that unless you are an expert you might just end up as a spammer, or worst still a person who ends up achieving nothing for the optimized site in terms of links.

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