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  • Becoming Relevant and Popular

    All the major search engines depend on the information retrieval technology, which was originally used in the libraries, laboratories and research institutions. When the search systems were developed, developers identified that the search features are dependent on two factors namely relevance and popularity.

    The first factor is the extent to which a particular document or a page matches the search that is made by the user. If the search terms used by the users occur in the document a number of times then that particular document is considered to be relevant for a particular search. Moreover, their relevance is also measured in terms of where exactly the matches occur – such as title of the document, sub-headings, body of the text etc. It is just the common sense approach if a document is going to use a particular phrase or a term a number of terms then that particular document is something related to that particular search term. As we can see that is how the concept of keyword density emerged.

    The second factor is popularity and this based on the fact that if a particular work is an important one in a given field it will be cited by the other authors or scholars often to support their argument. This is very common in both academic and business documents. So a particular document becomes increasingly popular with the number of other works that cites or references this document. This is the beginning of link popularity in terms of search engines.

    The two most important aspects of today’s search engine algorithms have its roots in the parameters of Information Retrieval technology. So when search engines approaches websites they look for these two things by performing a complete document analysis. They also perform link analysis but it has to be done along with the other related websites or web pages in a given sector.

    When search engines analyze your documents looking for the search terms that are present in your document they also take note of the places where they appear and some of the significant places include, the title of the page, the head tags, the body of the text and also the meta data. When they perform link analysis they look for two things one is that which website is linking to your website and secondly what is said about your site in the linking page and how closely the search terms match the text that is talking about your site. Search engine algorithm performs complicated calculations based on their historical data and other valuable information on the trustworthiness of a website, their credibility and several other aspects.

    Your website’s online success therefore depends on these two basic concepts. Though we have broadly classified search engine analysis into two major areas there a hundreds of other factors under each major area that contribute to the final assessment of your website. So pay attention to details by keeping these two major areas in mind while optimizing your website to see better success.

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