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  • All Link Building Strategies Are Not Equal

    There are more link building strategies than there is time to even summarily list. Just because there are a lot of them, doesn’t mean they are all equal. Not all link building strategies have withstood algorithmic changes over the years. Many new link building strategies have emerged in the industry and several strategies have gone without enough subscribers because they haven’t changed with the times.

    All Link Building Strategies Are Not Equal A link building strategy that is still used today is article submissions, but this is almost dead as well. This is one of the oldest link building strategies and though many new strategies have evolved in the market many people are still using article submissions to promote their websites so it is worth talking about.

    Back when link farms and link exchange programs were riding high, article submission strategies came as a great boon to the website marketers because article submissions helped them build one way back links for their website free of cost basically.

    The problem with article submissions is that a number of content mills like Helium and associated content tried passing off their offerings as legitimate content stuffed with links and pretty much ruined the industry in the process because they were filled with incompetent people.

    Just because those writers and editors ruined what they had doesn’t mean that you can’t use article submissions to build your links still – you just need to be smarter about it and more realistic about the ROI. The key is to make sure to stick to the best practices of article submissions to enjoy the best results.

    The article submission process is very simple and you can handle it yourself with no problem really. These days it is little more than pasting it into a submission box and letting it go live. Content mills are happy to get pretty much anything these days. Just be aware they will jam their own links into your content as well as ads and anything else they can make a penny on and you have no say what any of it will be.

    What you need to think about when you want to build links through article submissions is that you need to have a comprehensive list of article directories compiled because it is not enough to submit your articles to just one article directory.

    Ideally, you want good PageRank from them, but few have anything better than a 4 these days and are dropping fast. Google values backlinks from websites with good PR, so don’t waste time on anything under PR3 if you can help it.
    Review the article submission guidelines and comply with them so that your articles will be approved. Do not ignore your author resource box because your links will come from the author resource box. If you want to submit your articles to several article directories, come up with different versions of the article for every few submissions because it is one of the few places you can cut corners and get away with it.


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