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  • After Getting Your Top Ten Ranking

    images Without any exception all the webmasters strive hard to achieve top ten ranking in Google and in the other leading search engines. Webmasters spend a lot of time, money and energy in securing this most vied after position. After your hard work and efforts when you really manage to achieve your ranking goals, you will certainly be thrilled. It should certainly be considered a great achievement for any business to get top ten ranking in Google because there are millions of businesses on the web competing for the same keywords and for the same target audience. When you manage to achieve your goals on ranking you can legitimately celebrate your success.

    However, those who have been in this game for long enough will know immediately that there is no fun in getting top ten ranking if that ranking success is not going to translate into any business success and sales conversions. If you should fail to improve your sales level despite getting top ranking then all your efforts would be futile.

    On the one hand you have every right to celebrate your achievement but at the same time you should also make sure that your reasons for the celebration are not just short lived. So what next after you reach one of those top ten positions in Google? You should start working on your landing page so that every visitor that comes to your website is converted to a customer. Make your landing pages impressive, provide the information that your customers will be looking for in your website so that they do not waste time searching for the information.

    If you have any special offers and deals make sure that your landing pages have such information clearly presented so that your visitors do not miss such information. Optimize your landing pages for fast loading because if your top ranking pages take a long time to load, you are likely to lose a lot of visitors in the process.

    Try to get into the shoes of your customers and use your website like a customer that is looking for the services or products. Are you happy with the experience? Will a first time user be able to find what one needs quickly without having to visit too many pages or without having to scroll up and down the page? Minimize all sources of user irritation and this will help you increase your website conversions.

    However, making major changes to your landing pages at this stage to enhance user experience can be risky because the changes that you make can affect your ranking in the next update. So rather than trying to improve the quality of your webpage after getting top ranking, work on your website’s top pages before hand so that it will also help your ranking.

    You should closely monitor your website’s top ranking pages and keep track of the visitors’ footprints. Make sure that your landing pages have definitive goals. If the desired goals are not achieved then you should review the pages for better conversion rates.

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