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  • Ten Point Website Analysis

    A detailed website analysis is a prerequisite for all your search engine optimization efforts. Before you start making any search engine optimization efforts you should review your website closely to identify the areas that require your attention while optimizing your website. Here are top ten factors that you should consider while reviewing your website.

    Ten Point Website Analysis

    1.Domain name – In case you have not registered your domain name yet, you should create a search engine friendly domain name. If you have already selected your domain name then you will not be able to do any thing about it unless you are willing to buy a new domain. The domain name should be keyword rich. Despite the contradicting views about it we have seen a definitive advantage in using keyword rich domain names.

    2.Navigation URLs – Even if you have registered your domain name without any specific keyword consideration, you have total control over your website’s navigation URLs. When you are analyzing your website URLs refer Google’s recommendations on URL structure. If your URLs have too many special characters then it can result in indexing issues.

    3.Page titles – Create unique page titles. Make sure that each page has a title that reflects the page content. Check whether your page titles are keyword rich.

    4.H1, H2 and H3 tags – Are your H1, H2 and H3 tags well formatted and well constructed to highlight the content of the page. Search engines give a special place for the these tags.

    5.Content relevance – Is your content relevant to your niche. Focused, niche relevant content is a prerequisite for good search engine ranking.

    6.Content length – Do you have enough content in your web pages or are your pages filled with just images and with skimpy content? Search engines need content to understand what is in your web pages and to position your web page correctly when a relevant search query is placed.

    7.Image names – Have you optimized your images. Are your images named correctly or are they named as image1, image2, etc. When you give descriptive image titles, it will be lot easier for the search engines to learn about the content of the page.

    8.Alt attribute – Are your images marked with Alt attributes? Alt attribute is helpful when your images do not load in the visitor’s browser due to some reason including slow internet connection.

    9.Page loading speed – What is your page speed score? Is your page speed score 90 or above? If not, you need to work on improving the page speed score. There are numerous techniques that you can use to boost your page speed score. Today page loading speed is considered an important ranking factor by Google.

    10.Website security – Above all, is your website safe for your users? Do you have all the latest security measures in place to provide your users with a secure platform for shopping or for finding information? Web security is also a very important ranking factor. So ensure that your website is well protected and fully monitored.

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