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  • Squidoo Lens Creation and Promotion

    SEO experts are rapidly discovering the power of Squidoo lenses to help boost rankings and generate inbound links. Basically, a Squidoo lens is a web page hosted on the official Squidoo site. People who build Squidoo lenses are called lensmasters. A Squidoo lens can really be a great way to promote products or services, or to spread information that increases your authority in the field. Squidoo lens creation may be challenging, but you can always enlist professionals to help.

    Squidoo Lens Creation

    Do you Squidoo?

    In addition, Squidoo lenses tend to get ranked very high in Google. This is due in part to the excellent reputation Squidoo has for providing good information. Squidoo has a page rank of 8 which is very good! If you have put valuable, relevant information on a Squidoo lens that is linking back to your website, you will definitely benefit. Squidoo lenses get indexed on Google very quickly and usually rank very high for the keyword that they are targeted toward, assuming SEO is done. This can increase both traffic and conversions to your site.

    Squidoo accounts are free! You don’t have to pay a monthly or yearly fee for lenses or your account. This means that you will be able to have as many lenses as you want. In addition, Squidoo lenses transfers are free. You can actually hire someone to build a lens for you, and then they can transfer it to your account. This means you will have future control over the lens, and can add items, delete them or edit your lens in any way you see fit – without having to contact someone to make the changes for you. (You are also protected from the possibility that your lens could be subsequently accidentally deleted by the builder.)

    Once your Squidoo lenses are up and running, the next step is to let people know they are there. You can rank well in the SERPs, but also use other methods. Your SEO firm can also probably help with Squidoo lens promotion in the same way that they promote your articles and other content using social media.

    Many people feel it is difficult to build a lens on Squidoo when they are first getting started. Without an experienced guide to show you exactly how to set up your lens it can be very hard to figure out what to do with the various different modules. With no instruction on how to upload photos and correctly optimize and tag your lenses, you may find it hard to get them indexed and ranked in Google.

    In addition, you must take care to inform yourself about and avoid certain topics that Squidoo will not allow you to build a lens about. If you create a lense on a topic blacklisted by Squidoo, you will run into trouble. Fortunately, all your problems can be solved by getting a professional team to take care of Squidoo lens creation and promotion.

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