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  • Latest Search Updates From Google

    It is a known fact that Google continually works on improving the user experience in the search industry, which makes the company the number one service provider. Google’s aim is to make the search process faster, easier and the results obtained to be as comprehensive as possible and to this effect, the company has been constantly updating the search algorithm and also its user interface. Let us take a look at Google’s efforts along these lines in the past month. Google in the Inside search blog announced sometime early last month that it is cleaning up the search results page. The company has been testing the experience of the users in wide range of devices. Today the users access the web not only with their desktops and laptops but there are wide variety of internet-enabled devices such has tablets and smartphones. Among these as well there are wide variations. This poses a great challenge to the search engines. However, as far as Google is concerned the search engine takes all these challenges on its stride.

    Google says with the new design that there is bit more breathing space in the search results page. The results focus more on the answers the users are focusing upon. Regardless of whether one is searching for information on the web results tab or using the knowledge graph. Google still retains the old tools which can be accessed by clicking the ‘Search Tools’ which help further refinement of the search that has been made.

    Further to the design upgrade to the Google search results page Google announced an improvement in the knowledge graph early this month. The knowledge graph upgrade has been rolled out for the following languages – Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian and Italian. Today we need to keep a tab on what is happening in the search industry in the other parts of the world and with the other languages too because every business attains a global status as soon as they go online. Therefore, business owners that are marketing to the global customers should keep an eye on these latest updates from Google so that they can tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

    Those who are in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry will be interested in the following update. Google has introduced Medications Look Up. users will be able to get quick fact about medicines including side effects and other related medications. The data on medicines come from the U.S. FDA. This feature can be accessed as part of the knowledge graph.

    It is important to pay attention to all these developments with Google search trends. While Google is making these changes to enhance the user experience it is important that the webmasters pay attention to these factors so that they can make the best out of the updates made to the search results pages. All your marketing and SEO efforts should take cognizance of the latest Google updates not only to the algorithmic updates but also to the updates to the search features.

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