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  • Increasing the Effectiveness of Your PPC Campaigns for Travel Sites

    When you are into PPC, campaigns you must have a strategy devised based on your niche. You cannot run your campaigns in a random fashion, as this will only drain your PPC budget and reduce the ROI. If you want to increase the ROI and to increase your conversion rates, you must understand your industry well and the behavior pattern of people when it comes to your industry. Without this knowledge or awareness all the money you spend in your PPC campaigns will be wasted.

    If your niche is travel industry, you should know when most bookings take place, including which part of the year is the best selling time for the geographic location that you are concentrating or service that you are selling. You will be able to tap on the potential of this traffic by making yourself visible in the sponsored listings when it matters the most. You should increase your ad spending during these seasons. When the industry is in off-season, you can lower your ad spending. However, you should not completely stop your ad spending during those times. If you are concentrating on London travel packages, when the next Olympics is going to be held in 2012 in London, lot of people are going to start looking for London flights and London accommodation so you must make yourself highly visible well in advance.

    It has been noted in the travel industry that most people make their travel decisions and buy their tickets on the first two days of the week that is Mondays and Tuesdays. You must make use of this insider knowledge to make the best out of your PPC by increasing your ad spending during these days and having it reduced for rest of the days. You can make use of Google Trends to keep track of how the search trend moves and assess the industry. Once you study your industry, you can play with the PPC spending to gain the required visibility and also to save when the tide is low.

    It is also noted that people who want to make their bookings use the brand names to make their searches. This should tell you how to write your PPC campaigns. Most webmasters take all these trouble, they blindly set aside some money for their PPC and run their campaigns without taking into consideration the above aspects. On the other hand when you have a strategy for your PPC campaign you will be able to multiply the success rate of your campaigns and of course increase your revenue.

    All your URLs should be easily remembered so that visitors can come directly to your website and not have to make a search. If you run multiple sites, do not generalize your campaign strategy for all the sites. Make sure to check with each site what works and what does not. Generalizing the strategy will drain the profit that you make in one site in the other because visitor behavior pattern changes significantly from one area to the other.

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