Why Should You Keep Track Of Your Website's Ranking?

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When you launch a website you will be taking a lot of marketing efforts and you are more likely to follow your website’s online performance very closely for top keywords but as time goes by, the initial enthusiasm wanes out and you stop tracking your website’s ranking. You look at the whole scenario more in terms of the traffic rate and not just in terms of ranking. However, it is not good to totally ignore rank tracking. Whether your website is just few weeks old or several years old, you need to be always aware of your website’s performance for top keywords. 


There are many webmasters that just keep track of their website’s ranking in Google. Is it enough to keep track of your website’s ranking in Google? No absolutely not, it is not enough, though Google has usurped almost 90% of the market share there are other search engines that send traffic to your website. You should know how your website is performing in these less prominent search engines as well. 


If you think that you do not have enough time to keep track of your website’s ranking in Google and other search engines, hire an SEO company or an SEO service provider that will take care of your website’s rank tracking needs. This will save you a considerable amount of time and you will still have up to date information on your website’s performance. 


If your website has been online for quite some time you would have noticed that your website’s ranking is not the same every month or every week. Your website’s position in the search results page will keep varying, sometimes on weekly basis and at times even on daily basis. There are situations whereby websites completely disappear from the search results. When such things happen you need to take immediate action to restore your website and to put back your website on top. If you do not have a system in place to take to keep track of your website’s ranking in the top search engines, you will not know when your website’s ranking drops or disappears from the search results. This is where hiring reliable SEO service providers to keep track of your website’s ranking become highly relevant.


Do not ignore your website’s rank tracking needs as website owner, you should know how your website is performing in all the top search engines at any given point of time. You will have to make sure that you choose a dependable SEO service provider that will give accurate rank tracking report. You must generate rank tracking reports at least once in a month so that you can plan your website’s marketing efforts based on your latest performance. If you do not keep track of your ranking you will also not know which strategies are helping and which strategies are not helping your website. You should also remember that rank tracking is an on going requirement.