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  • Webmaster Tools Tips From Google

    Google has posted interesting tips and tricks to the webmasters on webmaster tools in Webmaster Central blog. The post focuses mainly on the owner verification. Google offers useful tips that make the verification process simple and easy.

    One of the important tips that never occur to webmasters is the use of more than one method to verify the ownership of the website. Google recommends that webmasters use two methods in parallel. Google encourages the users to make use of two methods to prevent accidental loss of verification status.

    Google is using new verification methods recently though the old methods are still recognized Google is encouraging the users to opt for the latest verification methods. The newer meta tag consists of just one line, which includes the file name.

    In case you want to remove access to any users in your Google webmaster tools, Google insists that you remove all webmaster access including the verification tokens. If you leave the old verification tokens in your server old users will still be able to access your account. Take time to log into your account to see the users details and user configuration status. Another security measure that Google suggests to those companies that requires more than one person to access your webmaster tools account then it is a good policy only to those users that have your domain email addresses. If you allow only users that have your domain name email address, when your employees leave then they will not be able to access your account as you will be denying access to your domain name email addresses when they quit.

    It is industry’s best practice to add users to your webmaster tools using webmaster tools account rather than making changes to your servers. Making server related changes is not accessible because it will reduce the security levels and it will also make the entire process very complex. Google webmaster tools account simplifies user management simple and easy.

    Google webmaster tools gives you access to highly versatile list of tools that will help you understand your website’s traffic and improve your website’s performance. Moreover, Google webmaster tools come to you totally free of cost. If you are not using Google webmaster tools then you are putting yourself in a disadvantaged position. You will be able to gain great insights into your website’s traffic using webmaster tools.

    You will be able to set up your Google webmaster account easily in a matter of just few clicks. You will have to just verify your website and Google will start showing data about your website. You can diagnose your website’s problems easily without having to get help from professionals. If Google faces any problems in crawling your website, you will be able to spot those problems immediately and rectify the problems. When you set up your Google’s webmaster tools account pay attention to the above verification tips. Google will gather useful information about your website such as canonical URL of your website.

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