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  • Is It Worth Spending Time On Social Bookmarking

    Social Bookmarking

    There is a lot of buzz about the importance of social bookmarking in link building. Many web masters spend a lot of time in social bookmarking trying to improve their link power. However, many still have this question at the back of their minds even as they spend time in social bookmarking, “Is it worth spending time on social bookmarking?”
    If it is done the right way, you will be able to enjoy a lot of benefits through social bookmarking. However, there will be no great impact on your link power if you make just some one or two social bookmarks. In the experienced hands social bookmarking is such a great SEO weapon.

    You first need to compile an exhaustive list of social bookmarking websites before embark on this project. When you are compiling your list, you need to remember that many social bookmarking websites use ‘nofollow’ attribute to keep themselves safe from spamming. So if your intention is link building then you need to pick websites that do not use ‘nofollow’ attribute. Otherwise your efforts will not bring in the desired results. This is where many web masters make a mistake and complain that social bookmarking does not work for them.

    It is important that you choose social bookmarking sites with good PR to enhance the effectiveness of your efforts. Links from websites with good PR always has a tremendous impact on your website’s ranking. When you do set out to actually make your bookmarks in social bookmarking sites, make sure that you do not spam them. If you are branded a spammer in the social bookmarking sites, you will lose your reputation. This is working against your own goals. So you must exercise caution here to guard your brand reputation.

    As mentioned earlier, if it is done correctly, you can boost your website’s ranking. You will be able to get permanent one way back links for your website. You will also be able to boost your website’s online visibility level through social bookmarking. Plan your efforts so that it is handled in a very systematic way. There should be ongoing efforts from your end and only then social bookmarking will produce the desired results.

    You can alternatively hire a social bookmarking company to help you with your efforts. This will certainly save you a lot of time and at the same time ensure that there is consistent effort on link building through social bookmarking. In case you should opt to hire a social bookmarking company, you need to ensure that you find a reputed company to represent you online. Hiring a company with poor reputation will subject you to unnecessary risks. Also make sure that your social bookmarks are made on websites that do not use ‘nofollow’ attribute so that you get the best value for your money. Moreover, when you hire an experienced company, they will make social bookmarking work for your website. As they will know how to go about the entire process and get good links for your website through social bookmarking.

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