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  • Faster Indexing of Blogs With Google Hummingbird

    As a webmaster you are likely to keep tracking the Google updates both data refreshes and algorithmic updates. Along these lines you also would not have missed the Google Hummingbird update because this is one of the biggest updates in the history of Google. As it has always been Google has kept the webmasters wondering even with this update too in terms of what to expect and how to decipher the changes.
    Google hummingbird

    Webmasters are still in the speculation stages and not many clear-cut findings on Google hummingbird results have been published yet. One of the speculations is that Google’s hummingbird update speeds up the indexing of the blogs and articles. Now with Web 2.0 properties becoming the core platforms of the internet, it has become a logical evolution for the search engine to give importance to blogs and articles that are published online through Web 2.0 properties. So it makes sense to see that Google is moving towards this direction.

    You would have already noted that Google has been placing great weightage on the social signals lately in ranking websites and to mark their significance and that is why social media marketing became a key marketing strategy for websites today. Blogs and articles published in the Web 2.0 properties are also social signals that Google looks at while ranking websites. The above factors place Google hummingbird update well in context. This is not out of the blue update; it is rather something that has to be expected.

    The question however is what is the benefit for you as webmaster from this update or how you can benefit from these changes? If Google is making efforts to index blogs and articles faster then it is a clear sign that blogs and fresh content are becoming even more significant in Google’s ranking algorithm. This is where as a shrewd webmaster you should know how to read between the lines. One of the things that you can do to benefit from this update and the above speculation is to create blogs and to keep your blogs regularly updated. This will increase your chances of getting listed in the search results faster. If your other optimization efforts too are in line with Google’s guidelines then you will be able to reap excellent benefits out of this update.

    Whenever, there is a Google update we tend to look at the negative side of the update and spend more time on complaining about the losses. There is also this positive aspect which fair webmasters will be able to appreciate easily. So Google update time is not a time to get discouraged but it is a time to look at the new prospects and new challenges with a positive outlook and learn how to benefit from the changes that Google is making. If you are for ethical SEO and if you approach search engine marketing with integrity then you need not have to panic about these updates, you just need to keep yourself updates of the changes and move forward accordingly.


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