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  • Tips for Amazing SEO Content

    SEOs often talk about creating irresistible content, but what goes into that? Is it a matter of just writing something that people are likely to be drawn to? Is there an actual formula that can magically make all of your content irresistible to your visitors and help raise your conversion rate? Sadly, there is no magic formula that can deliver 100% success, but there is a formula that helps raise the odds of creating content that people fall in love with and want to share. The kind of content that people keep coming back for. Here are few tips to create content that readers can’t resist.

    You need to open your post with a strong hook to get the reader invested immediately. There is no time to slowly let a story develop – be blunt and tell them what you are presenting them with, why the need to read it and how it is going to benefit them. If you do not hook a reader quickly, the Internet is full of other options and they may choose to try one of those instead of sticking with you. Just as in business, the early bird gets the worm.

    Keep it simple. You are an authority in your area, but not everyone visiting your site will be. Try to present information using as little jargon as possible so that all of your visitors can best understand what you are talking about. This helps expand the base of users that will find your information helpful and encourages sharing and repeat visits. For instance, if you have a site dedicated to DIY care repair (and you happen to also sell parts which is where your money is made) it is of little use to write in language that is geared only to experienced mechanics. Make sure you hit those people just getting started as well because if you give them something they can use they will come back and refer your site to their friends. How many times have you seen posts on social networks where people share content with tags like “this is the best site to learn how to___!” You want to be that site!

    Keep your copy clean. Make sure you do all the basics so that your content looks professional. Use the spell check feature!  Read your post aloud or have someone else read it so that you know that it “sounds right” and isn’t ungrammatical or confusing. If you skimp on the little things, people may worry you skimp on bigger things as well. Present yourself as a professional and people will respect your content as an authority.

    Keep it short. Most people do not have the attention span or time for long articles. Give people what they need without the extra commentary. 500 words will do in almost all cases. But going up to 750 or so is not a big deal if the topic matter warrants that. Once you start pushing 1000 words, there is an increased probability you lose your reader. Once you lose a reader, you usually lose them for good.

    Follow these few simple tips and you will begin creating irresistible content. If you are unsure of whether you can dedicate the time for this or have special needs, rely on an experienced, reputable SEO to make sure that you have what you need to succeed!

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