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  • Keeping A Tab On Your Ranking

    We struggle so much spend endless hours and thousands of dollars on our website’s online promotion. Some of us are so very engrossed in this whole process and we even lose our sleep in the night cogitating about our website’s online success. After all that efforts it is normal to be anxious about the results and our website’s performance online. We need to keep a close tab on the performance of our website and its rankings.

    Search engine rankings and top positions fluctuate highly. Sometimes you will find only a minor variation where as at other times we will find a vast difference within a short period of time. Unless we keep track of these fluctuations it is not possible to plan our next course of action. You cannot be complacent checking your website’s pagerank in Google toolbar once a month. You need to make sure that you constantly check your ranking for all the keywords for which you have optimized. If we don’t check regularly we will be under that wrong impression about the performance of our website. Sometimes you will be under the presumption you are ranking high in the search results page for a particular keyword but if you have not checked it recently and if it happens to be pushed down the search results then you will be questioning your business conversions and your traffic rate. You will not possibly know the reason why you are not getting the traffic that you are supposed to be getting. If you notice that your rankings have dropped down in good time then you will be able to reinforce your efforts and restore the site’s ranking for that particular keyword.

    Some of the websites are highly time sensitive for instance holiday gifts and any other website that is relating to holiday season cannot afford to be pushed down during the holiday season. If you don’t keep a tab on the position of such keywords, you will miss the golden opportunity that year and you have to wait for one full year before you can get that kind of traffic again and to increase the conversion rates.

    It is not enough to keep track of your rankings in single search engine. Most of us stop with checking our position in Google and leave out the other search engines. You must check the rankings at least for other two major search engines – Yahoo and Microsoft. While checking the rankings you may find minor variations and if that is the case you need not be too concerned though constant reinforcement is highly recommended. But if you find drastic difference such as being pushed from page 1 to page 3 of the search results then you need to review all the changes that you have made to your website and spot the problem area. By giving regular attention to your website’s ranking, you can save your website from major drops in the position.

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