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  • Content Distribution and Linking

    Content Distribution

    Having content on your site is important, but it is only half of what you should be doing with content! Obtaining links from other sites and blogs is important, but again, only part of the picture!

    Content and linking comes together when you start a dedicated campaign to promote yourself on the web. By producing high quality articles and submitting them to directories you can increase links to your site and create a steady flow of traffic.

    The absolute best way to do this can take some time. Ideally you should have a large amount of high quality articles to submit to the top directories. If you don’t have time to write all the content yourself, you can hire it done, and get a respected SEO company to submit it across multiple directories. This is the fastest way to get your content out there and noticed.

    Once you have your initial articles driving traffic to your site, you can expand to some of the more selective directories. Some of these have extremely rigid standards for word count and format, but if you can write or buy high quality articles these can drive some very good traffic to your site.

    It helps to know how to properly title your articles for maximum effect. Use your keywords judiciously but consistently, and make the anchor text for your links relevant and eye catching.

    You can use articles on the web to provide deep links to relevant pages on your site for more targeted results. Don’t forget to make sure your internal linking is up to snuff – you would hate to lose a high quality visitor because they enter your site through a deep link and get lost before they can find ‘HOME’.

    Remember to think big! You want selected articles to specifically target your niche market and send you customers interested in a very particular type of product or service, but don’t ignore the long tail of customers who just might drop into your site and stick around a while.

    Have a few articles written specifically for crossover traffic from related fields and try to get them published in relevant directories. Don’t forget press releases as well – a lot of traffic can be derived by well thought out press releases on a monthly or bi monthly basis.

    Increase your exposure on authoritative sites such as those run by respected clubs or groups of professionals in your field. You can give away content with the understanding that links will be kept intact, and this can be a great way to boost your own site’s link juice while gaining the goodwill of others who are weak on content.

    Don’t forget that every piece of content you put on the web reflects on your site, and that shoddy or poorly done content could be worse than no content at all. If you feel that your capabilities don’t include content writing, find the budget to have a pro step in and help! It will be worth every penny.

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